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Monday, July 16, 2012

Fun but Fact-10 Bullet points

  1.  The current generation will be the weirdest grandparents.
  2. We all have that one friend who doesn’t know how to whisper.
  3. I can’t decide if the drinks are too weak or if my tolerance is too strong.
  4. On the keyboard of life, always keep one finger on the Escape key
  5. I never argue, I just explain why I’m right.
  6. Thought of something brilliant? Just google it, and you will soon realize how uncreative you really are.
  7. Got a problem with me? I’m pretty sure a status on Facebook won’t fix it.
  8. That awkward moment when you change your facebook status to “single” and your ex likes it.
  9. Keep the dream alive: Hit the snooze button.
  10. I heard you’re a player. Nice to meet you. I’m the coach. 
well these are just collections ..have fun reading..


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;;-) :-/ :-* =(( :-O X( :7 B-) :-S #:-S 7:) ( ) /:) =)) O:-) :-B =; :-c ] ~X( :-h :-t 8-7 I-) 8-| L-) :-a :-$ [-( :O) 8-} 2:-P (:| =P~ #-o =D7 :-SS @-) :^o :-w 7:P 2):) X_X :!! \m/ :-q :-bd ^#(^ :ar!

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