Life for persons including some great Personalities like Mahatma Gandhi, Abraham Licoln, John kennedy, Mother Terresa had some objectives. No matter how much they needed to sacrifice to achieve them, they never backed out any single time. The lifestyle of the people in today’s world is becoming too very leisure seeking. Everybody is running after the materialistic world, A Person position in the society is more regarded in terms of his monetary strength. Too much of desires are there for a person to fulfill.I am not saying that having desires regarding things of this world is bad or being rich and striving towards acquiring strong monetary strength is wrong.However I am trying to stress on the too much factor and wrong, unethical and illegal means to acquire it. Man is losing his senses for morality and ethical features. Throughout the world there are cases of Government officials being bribed or Corruption in the various important departments. Crime rate is increasing every single day.
The question is how the rules of karma and self control helps an individual to achieve strength in his work and society as a whole? And what does Miles to go before I sleep mean? The attachment to karma itself demands you to profess self control in your life. How?
The answer is, once you are devoted towards achievement or attainment of certain goals or objectives in your life, it is highly likely that you will come across deviations, and these deviations just arouse from the attraction towards worldly pleasures and desires. Then it becomes necessary in this status that you must be equipped with weapon of self control to overpower these deviations, the acts of person start tilting towards the materialistic designs, the actual problem arose when in absence of self control, the acts of the person start becoming immoral, unethical and illegal at times for the sake of minting money. That is why corruption is increasing like anything. People are losing faith even in the judiciary in some of the countries including India.
In the age of over 60, Mahatma Gandhi marched miles to the shore for breaking the Law on Salt against the British Government (The incident in the history is famous with the name of Dandi March).When I was reading the auto biography of the Mahatma Gandhi (His book, "My Life"). I came across lot of instances where I felt that the power of will can really overpower the power of body and mind. In the age of over 60, Mahatma Gandhi marched miles which showed the world the power of strong will and mental strength of that character. The point is that we are lessening down upon our internal strength to fight the evils of this world.
The whole life he professed the lifestyle consisting the laws of karma, self control and spirituality. The dedication and devotion towards our work keeps us focused upon our goals to achieve in life. It strengthens the internal mechanism of our body to fight the evils and to overpower the deviations which comes in our way.
In the modern day scenario, where the industrial world is showering its expensive gifts to the society in the form of leisurely living. The attraction of man stays towards acquiring the leisure, pleasure and fulfilling his desires. Self control provides a mechanism in this case to fight the senses and provide a feeling of self satisfaction to required extent. It also monitors our acts and actions towards other beings and keeps away the shadows of negative thoughts entering our mind. Our goals, ambitions and targets stay protected from the infliction of any harm or corrupting acts. The non expectation of the outcome allows us to stay focused and sticking to our goals in life.
I will go miles before i sleep by inculcating the system of life which consists of the rules or Karma, coupling with the mechanism of self control to achieve my objectives by professing white color means and focusing my life towards societal, personal and global development. Are you people ready to join me?
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